Piles of Rocks
I have been blessed to lead many pilgrimages to the Holy Land. This most recent trip was extra special because my oldest daughter, Haven, was able to accompany me. Haven is 17 years old and is a senior in high school. She feels called into the ministry and will be leaving for Bible College [...]
Did You Know That Paul Had Another Ministry?
Watch the video, or read the script version here.
Did You Know That Paul Had Another Ministry?
Did you know that Paul, the apostle to the gentiles, had another lesser-known ministry? Yes, he was called by God to deliver the life-changing message of the Gospel to gentiles around the world, but while he traveled delivering the Gospel message, he had a second ministry that we read about in Scripture. When James, [...]
Let Us Not Forget
I was raised in the church and knew from an early age the Israelites were God's chosen people. I remember the stories from the Bible about great exploits wrought through this humble people group. I was told of the great struggles, sin, and oppression they faced. I learned of the unbelievable miracles performed on [...]